
Sunday 13 December 2020

"I'm no eco-freak" claims eco-freak at eco-freak convention



I almost admire the man's gall, his brazen chutzpah and the breezy way he ingratiates himself with such a slimy crew. Almost admire.


Graeme said...

No, it's not worthy of envy. It is a total disregard of factual evidence, physics, reality. The gravamen is who is going to pay for this exercise in insanity? It makes Stalin's canal from the White Sea to Leningrad look like a winner

Sam Vega said...

What's also worthy of note is the impact this statement is going to have on those who consider themselves to be parodied. Almost nobody in the eco-politics game is going to exempt themselves from this, and think that Boris meant someone else. Many people will choose to take it personally.

Graeme said...

It makes you wonder how many trees Boris hugs every week

wiggiatlarge said...

Having read the link, I am always fascinated to know if all this carbon cutting comes to pass at great cost to the peoples of this world and it doesn't make one iota of difference to rising temperatures, what will be the response.
I wont be around to find out but I am pretty sure spending a small fortune on a heat pump will only impoverish me, it will not make any difference to the future, despite what a mendacious puff piece said in the Times the other day.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious headline. Rofl.

Lord Peter Monkton pointed out - I dunno, about a decade ago - that the carbon graph FOLLOWS the temperature graph. In other words, carbon is a product of increased temp. The ptb are trying to tell us it is the other way round.
It's the sun wot's doing it really and the currunt solar minimum appears to suggest that henceforth it will actually start getting colder. What indeed will be the response.


A K Haart said...

Graeme - you are right, it isn't really worthy of envy. Stalin's canal from the White Sea to Leningrad is a good comparison. Or the collective farms perhaps.

Sam - yes many people will choose to take it personally. He probably doesn't care because he doesn't think he would ever win them round anyway.

Wiggia - yes, it won't make one iota of difference to rising temperatures, but I don't think that's what it is all about. Controlling the consumption of ordinary people, controlling their lives and reducing the population are closer to their mendacious hearts.

Rick - glad you enjoyed it. We almost need it to get colder just to change the narrative, although even that would just give rise to some other doomsday story where it is all our fault.