
Friday 16 October 2020

My Tenner


This is the heavily creased tenner I've carried around with me since April. Before the coronavirus debacle I made sure I always had a few notes as well as the cards because we still paid cash every now and then. Cash for car parks, small purchases such as a coffee, a birthday card or paying the window cleaner.

Now all that seems to have come to an abrupt end. I never felt a need to add to that tenner so I've never visited a cash machine since April. The window cleaner now prefers bank transfer, almost all local car park machines take cards and we buy birthday cards online.

In other words the demise of the private transaction is upon us, as it must be for millions of others.


Sam Vega said...

I wonder what drug dealers and whores are going to do.

I guess they could always tell HMRC that they cleaned windows or sold birthday cards.

James Higham said...

I'm trusting the tenner will be framed and hung on the wall.

johnd2008 said...

Here in New Zealand we have an almost universal Bank Card use. This year I have used cash on very few occasions. I realised the other day that I had only 50 cents in my pocket and that was all I have carried for at least three months.

The Jannie said...

Every transaction leaving a paper trail - a gift to HMRC!

wiggiatlarge said...

Not totally, certain trades still take cash no problem, older people still prefer cash and cheques.
The banks have been trying to get rid of cheques for some time and the usage is down, but again there are still a lot of older people that the internet and internet banking is still something they can't come to terms with, for that reason the banks have had to halt the change to total bank card transactions.
Add in banking fraud which despite all the banks interminable extra security measures is still on the up, and cash and cheques still has a place.
Plus as the Jannie has said once cash has gone 'they' have control over your money, along with smart metes it is the start of a road to control of peoples lives in a way not thought possible a few years back.

A K Haart said...

Sam - maybe Amazon vouchers will be used instead. I recently heard of an email scam where the scammer wanted Amazon vouchers.

James - I'll need to iron it first.

John - we are at that point too, although we've been edging towards it for years.

Jannie - not a problem for us, but some may find it a pain.

Wiggia - it must vary, but all the trades we use prefer bank transfer rather than cash but you are right - this is the route to the control of our lives in a way not thought possible a few years back.