
Monday 26 October 2020

Another reason to vote for Trump



Many pundits claim directly or indirectly that Mr Trump has lowered the state of US political debate. Comments such as this suggest otherwise. The standard was already low - Mr Trump has merely demonstrated how low it always was. 

This comment by a very senior Democrat is unambiguously infantile. As if Mrs Clinton with her vast political experience really does think and has always thought that Democrat voters respond well to infantile sound bites. Works both ways of course, but Mr Trump is a late entrant and mainstream media do not reflect that.


The Jannie said...

No; what makes her really sick is that the longer he's in power the more chance there is that her crime family will be exposed for the mafia it is.

Sam Vega said...

I won't believe that it makes her sick until I see her actually throwing up into a bucket. If she can put up with her husband's shenanigans, she can take Trump winning again.

Sackerson said...

Surely the most significant admission is that 'most Republicans want him gone.'

A K Haart said...

Jannie - I agree and she isn't the only one.

Sam - yes, it seems to be more of a business arrangement than a marriage.

Sackers - yes, he's like a disruptive invention such as the power loom. A wide range of political actors and pundits know in their bones that they can't compete except in the old ways.