
Sunday, 15 December 2024

That which we have long declined to do.

Woman dies after triple shooting in London as police launch murder probe

A murder investigation has been launched after a woman was killed and a man was left in a critical condition following a triple shooting in north-west London.

Describing the incident as a “heinous act of violence”, the Metropolitan Police said officers were called at around 9.15pm on Saturday night to Gifford Road in Brent.

And barely an eyebrow is raised as our weakness shrugs and moves on.

I have just returned from a ride in my litter; and I am as weary as if I had walked the distance, instead of being seated. Even to be carried for any length of time is hard work, perhaps all the more so because it is an unnatural exercise; for Nature gave us legs with which to do our own walking, and eyes with which to do our own seeing. Our luxuries have condemned us to weakness; we have ceased to be able to do that which we have long declined to do.

Seneca - Epistulae morales ad Lucilium c. 65 AD


DiscoveredJoys said...

And should the perpetrator be found and brought to trial there will be many people only too willing to support 'the underdog'. It's a sickness.

A K Haart said...

DJ - yes it is a sickness, like a wasting disease.

dearieme said...

The same question arises every time: what are they not telling us?

A K Haart said...

dearieme - yes, suppress context is the reaction over and over again.