
Thursday, 5 December 2024

The five missions

Starmer promises his ‘plan for change’ will improve people’s lives

The Prime Minister has promised a “relentless focus on delivering for working people” ahead of a major speech setting out targets to measure progress on his Government’s plans.

Under the “plan for change”, the Government will promise a named, contactable police officer for every neighbourhood in England and Wales.

The speech on Thursday has been billed as setting out the “next phase” of Sir Keir’s administration, detailing the “milestones” for achieving the five missions laid out in Labour’s election manifesto.

Starmer does set himself up, as if he's taking advice from someone who wishes to undermine him. If he speaks of a 'plan for change' then his departure is the obvious image it must create even among the few who still listen to him.

Nobody cares about 'five missions, a 'relentless focus', a 'plan for change' or 'milestones'. It's evasive waffle and even after such a short time we know it's the best he can do - evasive waffle. 


Sam Vega said...

"Under the “plan for change”, the Government will promise a named, contactable police officer for every neighbourhood in England and Wales."

Brilliant! They've already got names, and they've even got numbers. In fact, in several places I've lived, the local authority publish the details of a named neighbourhood liaison thingummy along with their number. I have to say there was no noticeable difference.

But the cost must be negligible, so there we are.

I'd like to see a named wind-turbine or illegal immigrant for every community so we can see how they are doing.

A K Haart said...

Sam - and some named people responsible for mass immigration, although we already know many of those.

DiscoveredJoys said...

Better still a named person responsible for repairing potholes. Instead of layers of bureaucracy to deflect and dilute complaints, a named person.

Tammly said...

Well we have a named Prime Minister, what can we call him out on?

A K Haart said...

DJ - a very good idea, and maybe a named person who deals with crumbling pavements.

Tammly - he has cunningly made the list too long to be practicable.

Anonymous said...

Having a named Police officer for every neighbourhood is fine, if that officer is on duty, and contactable, for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (366 every 4 years). The interruption of off-duty, sleep, illness, leave, court appearances, courses, attendance at weddings or funerals, will only enhance the recruiting situation. There are some politicians whose parents should be prosecuted for failing to drown their offspring at birth.

A K Haart said...

Penseivat - that's it, no time for any policing whatever. They must know it's a stupid idea but don't seem to care, as if they think it sounds good enough for a headline. Yet by the time they come to implement it, almost everyone will have worked out how stupid it is... I hope so.

Doonhamer said...

Ah ha! Is this the idea of The Miliband? Only instead of just a single Edstone, which like taxes, wind-turbines and the Civil Service, fail because we do not have enough of them, let's have 5.
Milestones or millstones?
If course there will need to be many committee meetings, with consultation with suitable qungos, on the type of stone, the font style and size. Then there will be the spacing. Maybe the "mile" should be redefined such that it is easier for the pedularly (just made up, but nobody will challenge it and risk looking stupid) challenged to hobble a mile.

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - it all came about because Starmer was gazing at Ed Miliband for inspiration and for some reason the idea of millstones crossed his mind. He couldn't make that into a slogan so it became milestones, changed to the metric version for the pedularly challenged.