
Sunday, 29 December 2024

Compromised Already

Before Christmas, Christina Holmgren-Larson published a useful European Conservative reminder of Joe Biden's cognitive inadequacy.

WSJ: Biden’s Intellectual Capacity Was Compromised Already When He Took Office

Who’s been running the country for the past four years? commentator asks; “it sure as hell hasn’t been Joe.”

Verifying what anyone who hasn’t been in a coma for the past four years had already suspected, a bombshell article in The Wall Street Journal says President Joe Biden’s staff spent his entire presidency covering up the fact that the man America elected was in no shape to do the job.

Which makes us ask, along with commentator Maureen Callahan, “Just who has been running the country for the past four years?”

Americans, radio/TV host John Cardillo, said, “have a right to know.”

A fairly short piece but it is well worth reading the whole thing because those paying attention could see the problem from the beginning. 

Senior staff and media hiding the mental incapacity of leaders is far from new, but in this case a substantial section of the US and global population knew what was being done to hide Biden's intellectual capacity, even if the details were hidden.

It isn't the same situation, but here in the UK we have a Prime Minister who for different reasons clearly isn't up to the job and never could be. Similarly, a substantial section of the UK and global population knows he isn't up to it.


DiscoveredJoys said...

I was surprised to learn that Keir Starmer has 3 other siblings, one of whom died on Boxing Day. It always seemed to me that 2TK exhibited the 'only child' mannerisms.

So that's me told.

Sam Vega said...

I guess the situation in the UK is similar to that in the USA. The decisions are largely made by an unelected and unaccountable caste of bureaucrats, who can be steered in a particular direction by politicians who can work the system. We've just ended a decade or so when there were no politicians capable of making changes, and we now have politicians who are more capable but more wrong.

dearieme said...

He's been so dismissive of his father that I wonder whether he was Mummy's wee boy.

A K Haart said...

DJ - I saw him the same way, even after I knew he had a brother. Not sure why apart from the personal reticence coming across as more self-centred than reticent.

Sam - it strikes me that being wrong is encouraged by those unaccountable bureaucrats to soften up a party with such a big majority.

dearieme - he may have been, especially as he did so well academically.

Tammly said...

Cognitive Inadequacy! It's all the rage in British political circles.

A K Haart said...

Tammly - indeed it is, and a fashion which is constantly promoted by the BBC.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, according to my American mate, it was often suggested, though in very hushed tones, that Biden's Presidency was really Obama's third term, using that time to try and project Michael, I mean Michelle, into the post over time.

A K Haart said...

Penseivat - I think your mate must be right, it would be no surprise if Mike goes for it four years from now.