
Friday 8 July 2022

Quite Mad

I’ve been up since 5:30 because it’s a lovely morning and I don’t sleep well through lovely mornings. The street outside is very quiet under a pure blue sky so it’s time for some contemplation.

May be mildly distasteful on such a morning, but sometimes it’s a good idea to contemplate a familiar aspect of social or political life until it becomes detached from the familiar but misleading world of here and now. Relax. Contemplate. Allow the endless media screech to fade away... 

All is calm...

The bog-standard climate narrative intrudes…


Drift away from the screech of doom…

Row gently towards the shores of sanity…

Towards a world where the laws of the universe prevail…

And governments cannot pass laws to change global weather patterns...

Because that would be…

Quite mad...





Bill Sticker said...

If drifting away from the screeching media harpies of doom is madness, then I gladly embrace that insanity, ply it with drink and whisk it off to the boudoir.

Ed P said...

Perhaps it's time that we, the people, demanded from government an audit of how and where all the 'planet-saving' taxes have made any difference?
It would be something just to get an estimate that using our intentionally-expensive electricity has lowered world average temperatures by 0.00000001C - I'll sleep easier knowing my £1000s have been put to a good use.

James Higham said...

A very 5:30 a.m. type of post, AKH. Luvverly.

Sam Vega said...

Ed P:

My thoughts exactly. Even a testable prediction would be brilliant. Could the Government tell us what sort of an increase in CO2 will lead to a specific increase in global temperatures? And then what the UK would have to do to prevent that increase? And then how much it would cost?

A K Haart said...

Bill - drifting away from them is drifting away from the madness, although they probably think we're insane too.

Ed and Sam - I think they at least suspect that the 'planet-saving' taxes can't possibly make the slightest difference but virtue-signalling really does come first with them. They will not engage honestly with that kind of argument because they can't without becoming a sceptic.

James - thanks (: