
Wednesday 22 April 2020

UN lying is the deeper emergency

Despite the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, the world mustn't forget the "deeper environmental emergency" facing the planet.

That's the view of the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, in remarks released to celebrate Earth Day.

The toll taken by the virus is both "immediate and dreadful", Mr Guterres says.

But the crisis is also a wake-up call, "to do things right for the future," said the Secretary General.

Do things right for the future? Whatever does he mean? Be better prepared for future pandemics originating in China? 

He doesn't mean that of course. He means that institutions such as the UN will carry on lying to us - especially about what is known and what is not known, real risks and imaginary risks, certainty and uncertainty.


Mark Wadsworth said...


wiggiatlarge said...

The climate fanatics have been warming up, geddit ! lately in anticipation that some of the things we have been deprived of during the lock down will remain in some form, expect more of this, not only will there be a need to replenish government coffers with extra taxes but the green lobby will also want a cut on the basis of how wonderful it has been, despite the fact it has taken virtually the whole world to come to a standstill to show that No2 emissions from diesel failed to drop more than smidgen in London despite no traffic.

Sam Vega said...

It was all going so well. A local group of activists wasn't satisfied with my obsessive recycling of yogurt pots, and asked me to take crisp packets, cat and dog food pouches (rinsed out please) and other stuff to a special collection point. I was happy to do so because our bin is tiny.

But now the virus means they don't collect that stuff any more, and now I'm killing the planet again. It's hard fighting for eco-justice, let me tell you...

Scrobs. said...

Immediately your term 'institution' is mentioned, you have your answer - a huge expensive bunch of total wasters in huge quangos doing feck all!

UN/WHO etc., can all be disbelieved at the drop of a rather large hat in my humble opinion!

Bill Sticker said...

Well, there are bigger emergencies. Looks like the entire agricultural output of three East African nations is in the process of being destroyed by a swarm of locusts that is already bigger than greater London, currently gobbling up everything in sight. The biggest in over seventy years, so I am told.

See the graphic below for the current swarm size.

Glyn Palmer said...

Bloody hell, Sam! I'd have told your 'local activists' to go to the Devil!
Morning, Bill!

A K Haart said...

Mark - it won't like the latest virus findings on smoking either.

Wiggia - yes and that may be one of the worst long-term effects, handing their kind of material to the green lobby.

Sam - killing the planet again? So am I, I've lost count of how many times I've killed it.

Scrobs - yes UN/WHO etc. can be disbelieved and should be defunded until reformed.

Bill - good point, it's an issue I've lost sight of since the virus swamped everything.

Glyn - maybe they are the Devil.