
Saturday 2 March 2019

First kids born in council breeding scheme

A recent headline on BBC's teletext service which for a millisecond or two caused a raised eyebrow. Of course it turned out to be a goat breeding scheme. Phew.

I suppose the briefly raised eyebrow was a Brave New World reaction. Outlandishly preposterous but perhaps not quite as outlandishly preposterous as it should be. 


Sam Vega said...

I'm pleased that the local authority in question is good at breeding goats. Presumably they have cracked the problem of collecting and emptying bins.

Demetrius said...

Way back half a century and the effect of post WW2 rise and fall in the total births meant that a lot of schools many new, began to have far fewer numbers. As there was no increase in view or likely, birth control having been invented, there was a problem. By this time we already had smaller classes. So committees of anxious headteachers (heads might roll) had confidential meetings with councillors in local authorities. One option on, or perhaps under, the table was persuading females to do more breeding.

James Higham said...

Yes, one does arch an eyebrow at such things.

A K Haart said...

Sam - maybe bins are seen as tools of the patriarchal tyranny oppressing innocent goat herders.

Demetrius - the trouble is there is always something more interesting on the mobile phone.

James - but only the one.