
Tuesday 12 March 2019

Brexit - what next?

As Theresa May treats us to another turn of the Brexit wheel it becomes ever more obvious that those who see all this as deliberate confusion may be right. The reason for sowing confusion is simple enough.

Present people with two options – stay as you are or radical change. Sow endless confusion about the latter option and people will tend to reject it simply because one is confusingly uncertain while the other isn’t. We had Project Fear but that didn’t work so now we have Project Confuse. As that one does not seem to be working either - what next?


Sam Vega said...

I think we'll have a hybrid project. "None of us barristers and top businesspeople can sort it, we freely admit. We're the smartest people in the land, though, so best leave things as they are..."

James Higham said...

Leave. No deal.

A K Haart said...

Sam - the trouble is, Brexit is creating an impression that there are no smart people with a say in anything important.

James - suits me.