
Wednesday 12 October 2022


Dr Matt Lodder is a historian of tattooing, and a senior lecturer in art history and theory at the University of Essex and believes it would have been impossible for him to have his job if he wasn’t visibly tattooed.

Matt started getting tattooed in his late teens, but only got his first visible ink after he got his PHD in tattooing, he decided to get his first visible tattoo.

“For me it was a very important signal about, the kind of career I was going into,” he says.

Okay - a PhD in tattooing is new to me but I'll give my prejudices yet another airing and assume the university numbers game had some influence there. This second snippet of information wasn't a surprise though.

Krissie Langley is a tattoo artist based in Sheffield who takes care to explain to her customers what impact hand and neck tattoos could have on their future jobs.

“Some of them haven’t thought about it until I said it. They just want to look cool; they want to impress people,” she says.

Some of them haven't thought about it? No - that one isn't as surprising as the PhD in tattooing.


Sam Vega said...

Ah, my alma mater. Back in 1975 it was so radical and druggy that people said it should be closed down before someone got hurt.

They had a point, though....

johnd2008 said...

One of the things I most hate is seeing an attractive young woman with tattoos.Tattoos only belong to former squaddies and sailors after a drunken run ashore.

Scrobs. said...

Kidult's scribble - rather like graffiti in my opinion!

But very 'useful' during a cost of lockdown crisis...


Bucko said...

They just want to look cool? I may be on my own here, but I don't think hand and neck tattoos look cool

Tammly said...

They certainly impress me. When I see them, I go rapidly in the opposite direction.

A K Haart said...

Sam - it sounds as if they did have a point. Strange times generally, but I still look back on them with a limited amount of nostalgia.

John - I don't like it either. They seem to think it expresses their individuality, but it does just the opposite.

Scrobs - yes, it is like graffiti.

Bucko - you are not on your own, they certainly don't look cool.

Tammly - I sometimes try to read them, but it isn't very enlightening.