
Tuesday 7 June 2022

I didn't much like that


Old Bertrand clarifies things here. Forget the politics - Lenin was a disgusting monster and without him the world would have been a better place.


Sam Vega said...

I read a lot about Lenin in the '70s when studying for my degree. My main conclusion was that there wasn't a lot to him; just an enormous amount of energy that had attached itself to some patently wrong ideas.

Tammly said...

For corroboration I would refer you to

One of the most chilling articles I've read. He was as admirable as Adolph Hitler.

dearieme said...

Bertie was brought up by his paternal grandparents, especially Grandmama. Grandpapa would occasionally talk about his conversation with Napoleon on Elba.

So: in my youth I heard a man on the telly who was brought up by a man who'd talked to The Corsican.

I suppose the Queen may have memories of having talked to X who had talked to Y who had walked the earth before The Flood.

A K Haart said...

Sam - I've read a couple of short biographies and that's the conclusion I came to - there wasn't a lot to him. Must have been a gifted organiser though.

Tammly - thanks for the link, I've bookmarked it for later.

dearieme - there is a YouTube video of that telly interview.

dearieme said...

Thanks for the link: an enjoyable interview I thought.

When I got home from school on a wet or cold day day I would often sit in an armchair to do some homework on my knee because the dining table wouldn't be free for use until after high tea. So geography or geometry homework would have to wait until we'd eaten.