
Thursday 19 November 2020

Test and Trace woes

Test and Trace bosses believe they need to "rebuild public trust" and are planning a pre-Christmas push to rescue the troubled service, according to leaked slides seen by Sky News.

Yet although the slides reveal that Test and Trace has "mobilised" 27 "workstreams" to reinvent the service as part of a "countdown to Christmas", questions may be asked about why the measures are only being shown to contact tracers today - two weeks into a national lockdown that was supposed to buy time for Test and Trace to improve.

What fun - 27 "workstreams" to reinvent the service. Is there anyone at all who believes this mess can be made to work without creating a worse mess? 


Sam Vega said...

Even in my jargon-afflicted line of work, I can't recall there being such things as "workstreams". Have they evolved since my retirement, such that offices and factories are full of such talk? Or did Dido Harding just invent the term to stay in post for an extra fortnight?

Either way, with 27 of them gurgling and splashing, I shall keep well clear.

A K Haart said...

Sam - I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me if "workstreams" are part of some collaborative software package. I wonder how often people call her Dodo Harding?

Graeme said...

My partner is working shifts on the track and trace programme. A lot of the time, people don't answer the calls she makes, which is odd in a time of "lockdown". Sometimes, when she asks where they are - remember that she is calling people who tested positive and should be in quarantine - they cut off the call and block her. She thinks there should be a local force to visit these people and do the job on the doorstep but I guess the stories of fines and the covid militia make that unviable.

It's a confusing picture. When I am outside watching masked people in cars, it is easy to reach the conclusion that people are behaving like frightened sheep. But there are these thoughts that maybe a lot of people out there are aware that they might be spreading the disease

A K Haart said...

Graeme - I'm not surprised people don't answer the calls or block them. We avoid test and trace as far as possible because we don't want to be caught up in the bureaucracy for no good reason. The virus is now endemic and not particularly dangerous, so to my mind we should accept that, protect the vulnerable and move on.

Graeme said...

That is heresy Mr Haart. Are you trying to kill my granny? 😉