
Friday 11 October 2019

Rain, rain, rain

What a day. Here in Derbyshire it feels as if it has been raining forever. Maybe it is Gaia's way of telling the crusties they should shower au naturel - a shower in the rain for the ultimate in sustainable cleanliness.

I hope not.


Sackerson said...

They are posh showoffs - upper-crusties.

Sam Vega said...

I could never understand why you call them dry stone walls. Nearly every time I've seen them they've been wet.

Scrobs. said...

You've just inspired a Scrobs post, in which your cheque is...:0(

A K Haart said...

Sackers - I'm sure there is an element of that. Look at me, look at me.

Sam - in woodland they can be completely covered in thick moss. Saw an example recently.

Scrobs - crikey I don't expect to inspire people. :)