
Sunday 6 October 2019

Back to the fifties

One positive outcome of the Greta Doomberg climate circus is how it has highlighted the long term strategies of global elites. The climate narrative may be obvious nonsense but Ms Doomberg has reminded us that those behind it don’t care. Emotional drivel is good enough for the masses – as it always was. Ms Doomberg has broadcast that message good and strong, although the poor lass seems to think she is telling us something about the climate.

The underlying strategy is clear enough because the clues were there long before Ms Doomberg was pushed onto the stage. Malthusian panic behind the scenes about sums it up.

The masses are out of control. Something must be done or... or... or... Or there will be nothing left for the Important Ones.

That really does seem to be it. Apply Occam’s Razor - the Important Ones are worried about too much consumption by the global masses, especially those who aren't poor. They really do think that we’ll use up all the fossil fuels and there will be nothing left for People Who Matter, not to mention their offspring.

As a result we are creeping fairly rapidly towards restrictions on private cars, air travel, household energy use, general consumption and even food. The overall trend seems to be aimed at reducing general living standards to those which prevailed in the 1950s apart from the free speech and the lovely warm coal fires. This standard could probably be sustained indefinitely.

At which point we’ll have two levels of sustainability - ours and theirs.


Sam Vega said...

I'm not sure if their anxiety is about resources, or about increasing power and uncontrollability. As the masses get educated, travel, and talk to one another, they are likely to behave in unpredictable ways. So they ought to be controlled now, before they get out of control. It's a form of anxious conservatism, where the global elite try to maintain the pyramid in its current shape.

Sackerson said...

You may find this interesting:

Scrobs. said...

You know when the 'elite' are getting worried about their non-status - it's when they have to resort to shoving kids up on a stage to mumble inanities, instead of actually doing something positive themselves.

Blair - for one - is the master of all this sort of garbage.

Anonymous said...

They'll have to prise my lovely warm coal fire out of my cold dead hands

A K Haart said...

Sam - I'm sure you are right, especially since Brexit and Trump shook things up. Yet the idea that we are running out of essential resources has been pushed for decades and that still seems to be part of the mix. The rise of China has probably added to what you describe as "anxious conservatism" in this respect.

Sackers - only skimmed it so far. At first sight seems too batty for my taste, but that may be partly down to presentation.

Scrobs - I don't really understand why it is done - it seems to introduce an infantile element which ought to be unhelpful. That view will be partly an age thing in my case.

Anon - mine is wood but I know what you mean.