
Tuesday 22 October 2019

Do I Really Live In An RV?

Fascinating - I've often wondered why we tie ourselves down to bricks and mortar. It appears to have been necessity in this case, but a place to live sucks colossal amounts of money out of people. It's one of many disappointments about the environmental game. We still seem to be stuck with mostly traditional brick houses and very little genuine innovation.

Not that I want to live in a camper van...


Scrobs. said...

Perhaps I could do a canal boat.

My dear sister and b.i.l. tried it for several years, living at home for six months, then canalling (or whatever it's called) for the rest of the time. I rather liked the idea, but I was still working back then, so a call from some leafy waterway in Cheshire, for me to attend an appointment in Weybridge might have taken some time...

Mark Wadsworth said...

Recently, I have taken to watching YouTube videos by "van lifers" (as they call themselves).

It's all quite entertaining, but the lack of space would wind me up no end. I like space.

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - canal boat life sounds fairly attractive but to my mind it takes too long to get anywhere.

Mark - interesting, I'll take a look. Our caravan was small but I didn't mind the lack of space if the site wasn't too crowded. Being so close to the outside world seemed to make up for limited space.