
Sunday 30 September 2018

Crazy like a fox

Richard M. Salsman has an interesting piece in where he suggests that the destructive nature of radical socialism is not seen as a problem by radical socialists. He begins with the destruction currently afflicting Venezuela.

Even socialist despots now concur with conservatives that socialism doesn’t work. A recent headline reads “Venezuela's President Admits Economy Has Failed.” The despot is Nicolás Maduro, who last month told the Venezuelan congress that “the production models we’ve tried so far have failed, and the responsibility is ours, mine and yours.” Maduro is an avowed socialist in the United Socialist Party of Venezuela. 

The point has been made before of course, but with Jeremy Corbyn and his cronies aiming to inflict radical socialism on the UK it is worth taking on board the reasonable assumption that they already know their plans and schemes will be destructive but don't care. Destruction is the thing, the dark core of a supposedly moral game. Mr Salsman applies a well-known phrase to it - crazy like a fox.  

Somebody once defined “insanity” as doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting a different result. It isn’t necessary to accuse socialists of being insane; more likely, they’re “crazy like a fox.” That is, they know their intended prey (capital) and they’ll do whatever it takes to seek it out, take it, kill it, and eat it, with nary a thought about the future.

Of course, one should never argue by impugning, without evidence, an opponent’s inner motives or intentions. But sometimes aims and goals are named explicitly. Even when not, it seems perfectly fair to conclude that whenever certain ideologues keep pushing for a social-political-economic system that invariably proves disastrous, they probably prefer disaster. Nihilists exist, after all. Many conservatives simply assume that they know the socialists’ motives, and without much evidence, presume that they’re benevolent.

Of course many non-socialists probably assume no such thing. Many are already aware of the destructive nature of political idealism, the noble cause which is far from noble and much more malevolent than the sales message.


Sam Vega said...

Socialists like Corbyn seem to understand that their policies will result in the destruction of our economy and society. They are in general OK with this, because they have some sort of faith that we (they?) will be able to build a new socialist economy and society after that destruction. It's a bit like blowing up the lifeboat so that we passengers can build a new and better boat out of the components while treading water. If this belief of the socialists is genuine, then it's a simple matter of acknowledging that people have different ideas, and ensuring that they don't get put in charge of anything.

Of course, it might be that the socialist happy ending is just a smokescreen for their lust to destroy things. That changes the game somewhat. It means that we have to watch them more closely, and treat their political ideas as a kind of psychopathy.

Scrobs. said...

I have a chum called Reynard, but he's not a fox, just a great bloke!

As for the above, Joe Corbyn has a zillionth of one percent chance of ever getting to Downing Strasse, he's always been utterly useless, and that will come out in the coup before the next election!

People like us here know it really!

Demetrius said...

If you take ideas and policies from the Age of Steam, that failed during the Age of Oil, there is no chance of them working during the Age of the Net. I have sat in the library seats that Marx and Lenin sat in but at lunch time the catering facilities were radically different, as was the transport there and back. I suspect they did not watch much TV.

A K Haart said...

Sam - I think your second alternative is closer - the socialist happy ending is indeed a smokescreen for their lust to destroy things. Why that could be is another question but that's how it feels to me.

Scrobs - I hope you are right about Corbyn's chances, yet millions voted for him however obvious it is that the guy is a malicious plonker.

Demetrius - although millions of voters presumably don't know that Corbyn's ideas and policies come from the Age of Steam.