
Sunday 6 February 2022

Fire brigade to the rescue

This story isn't new of course, but there is added entertainment in the BBC being unable to write it off as completely bonkers. Maybe the Empress really is wearing new clothes even though absolutely everyone knows she isn't including the Beeb. Yes, even the Beeb.

Call for fire safety talks over classroom door plans

Firefighters have called for the Scottish government to resolve concerns over school safety following reports that classroom doors could be trimmed.

The Fire Brigades Union (FBU) has requested immediate talks to address "mixed messaging" around fire safety and the ventilation required to reduce coronavirus risks.

Councils have a new fund to improve classroom airflow to slow Covid spread.

Nicola Sturgeon said cutting the bottom off some doors was "common sense".

Entertaining perhaps, amusingly bonkers perhaps, but this story has a slightly sinister, slightly Kafkaesque aspect to it. As if common sense doesn't really matter, as if making ordinary people dance to your tune is what matters.


Sam Vega said...

Nicola Sturgeon said cutting the bottom off some doors was "common sense".

That really is a special sort of quote. One to memorise, store up, and savour, like a fine old brandy.

Doonhamer said...

Now I'll not get to sleep and if I do I will have nightmares.
Wee Jimmy, in the altogether, limboing under a Cowboy style bar door.While being sprayed by fire men.I

DiscoveredJoys said...

Or, of course, you could chock the door slightly open with a doorstop. Why damage a door?

Perhaps you can have too much common sense?

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes it is worth remembering. I bet the person who suggested it to her has gone into hiding.

Doonhamer - I think she'd slither under after being... no I think I'll stop there.

DJ - chock it with a wooden wedge costing about 30p? It's not the political way.

Ed P said...

Proper fire doors have intumescent strips (ooh, missus!) set into the jambs, so they seal against smoke with the heat of the fire, to protect people against inhalation. Wee Nippy's plan is daft

Peter MacFarlane said...

"making ordinary people dance to your tune is what matters."

And, of course, being pointlessly different from England.

Because you can.

A K Haart said...

Ed - I'm pleased Wee Nippy is north of the border too.

Peter - that seems to be it. Rationally different ought to be easy, but apparently not.