
Saturday 12 February 2022

Low Bar Loon

Kurt Mahlburg has a piece in Mercatornet about the Canadian trucker protests. It is remarkable how foolish the response of Justin Trudeau has been, but we know that. 

However the issue turns out, we are still stuck with the problem that he was freely elected and looking around the democratic world we don't see too many standing head and shoulders above him. Perhaps Boris does, but all we take away from that is how low the bar is.

In Canada it’s trucks versus tweets and the trucks are winning

While decision-makers are eager to distance their decision-making from the protests, there is no doubt that the mood is melting in Canada. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has endured days of heckling in parliament —from both the right and the left — over his handling of the protests, with increased calls for him to reopen the country or at least listen to the truckers.

Trudeau has spent much of the last fortnight out of the public gaze. But he has been at the forefront of the Twitter war. In one tweet he characterised protesters as antisemites, Islamophobes, anti-Black racists, homophobes, and transphobes (an impressive list!). In another, he framed them as vandals, thieves and wavers of racist flags. Predictably, his words got the Twitter mobs baying.

Strange times indeed. To my mind it's a curiously immature response. Like a self-important sixth-former unexpectedly left in charge of an unruly class.


Ed P said...

There's something wrong about a 51 year old man having a 22 year old partner. The 'rule' is half the man's age plus 7, so he's 10 years out, which makes one question his abilities and judgements in all other matters.
So, not just a petty woke would-be tyrant, but a bit suspicious all round.

DiscoveredJoys said...

Let me see... a rowdy crowd trespass in the Capitol Building and their actions are called 'insurrection' (although as fat as I know no one has been indicted for 'insurrection'.

A whole bunch of truckers make a protest and they too are accused of 'insurrection'.

Trouble is none of the January 6 protesters or the truckers are heavily armed, nor have they tried to take over any radio or TV stations, nor have they killed anyone. It's almost as if the Establishment feel deeply threatened but have no adequate words to express their feelings except hyperbole. And this exposes the hollowness of their pearl-clutching.

Nessimmersion said...

While in no way defending Trudeau, where did the idea his wife is 22 come from?
A cursory search finds multiple references to her being 4 years younger than him, born on 1975.
Is this another false flag to tar the Rational Party with an inaccuracy reputation?

A K Haart said...

Ed - you mean his father?

DJ - and there is something totalitarian about the hyperbole. It's what dictatorships do, grossly exaggerate mild displays of opposition.

Nessimmersion - it applies to his father.

Ed P said...

A Canadian site said Turd-eau is 51 and his partner 29 years younger, i.e., 22. Apologies if I've believed some made-up twaddle!

wiggiatlarge said...

'A Canadian site said Turd-eau is 51 and his partner 29 years younger,' and to think in Macrons case it is the reverse, must be a politician thing.......

A K Haart said...

Ed - no problem, that site may well have mixed him up with his father.

Wiggia - most of us probably don't care about such things, but Macron comes across as weird as well.