
Sunday 29 December 2019

People are resilient

A heartening piece in aljazeera highlights how resilient people can be even when their entire country appears to be falling apart.

Santa Marta, Colombia - Along the cobblestoned streets of the coastal city of Santa Marta, demand for bolivares from Venezuela is skyrocketing, but not for the bills' monetary value.

Instead of using his homeland's money to pay for daily essentials in his native country, Venezuelan immigrant Hector Cordero weaves the currency into wallets and purses, which he sells to tourists in Colombia. His artful crafts underscore the creative methods that Venezuelans are using to extract value from a currency that - amid skyrocketing inflation - many consider worthless...

He learned his technique by watching others in the streets of Caracas and by studying dozens of YouTube tutorials uploaded by fellow Venezuelans to teach people how to make what has become known as origami venezolano.

"When I run out of bolivares, my brother goes to Venezuela and brings more notes," Cordero said. "People have a lot of these notes and we buy them. We give them what they ask for."


Sam Vega said...

That would be a fitting memorial for Corbyn. A statue of the old fool made from worthless currency.

A K Haart said...

Sam - that's an excellent idea.