
Wednesday 22 July 2020

Paying for IndyBalls

The Independent is one to avoid in the daily browse but it is still astonishing to be reminded that there is a subscription only version. Which isn't news but is surely weird because a rational person might  assume the Independent cannot possibly have any paying subscribers left by now. 

Yet presumably there must be such people forlornly clinging on - hoping to be informed about something eventually. The ghastly outfit wouldn't do it otherwise. 

In which case, perhaps we must assume that the point of purchased output is some kind of guarantee that one is definitely not to be presented with news and articles which are just the usual IndyBalls to be found free elsewhere. Such as this -

Some kind of psychological profile of the Independent reader is required here. Not that anyone would pay to read it.


Sam Vega said...

Is it still going?

I always thought of it as a sort of "Junior Guardian". Interested in the same sort of things, but without the long words and with more pictures.

How quickly things turn into history. Put it on the same pile as Ceefax and tamagotchi.

A K Haart said...

Sam - still going and very much the "Junior Guardian" but with even less interest in uncertainty and nuances. I avoid it but search engines seem to think it has something.