
Monday 26 November 2018

Call the puddle squad

The other day we encountered some resurfacing work on the High Peak Trail, apparently intended to reduce puddles. Puddles in the countryside eh? Whatever next. 


James Higham said...

Trees too, need to be banned.

Sam Vega said...

Definite hazard. What I mainly remember about the Peak District is that it has a lot of hills. They are a hazard, of course, but there's also the discrimination and lack of access for people who are not so fit, or elderly, or disabled.

Demetrius said...

If the puddles are big enough you might need paddles, or pedals.

Scrobs. said...

It's when you're driving down a narrow lane and go through a puddle, only to find that it's about a foot deep that makes me cross!

The Jannie said...

When I saw the headline I thought we were going to see pictures of a new puppy . . .

And as an aside that capcha is a pain in the neck!

A K Haart said...

James - unofficially dropping their leaves everywhere.

Sam - yes the discrimination is certainly one of its attractions.

Demetrius - none of them were particularly huge or deep but maybe a bit splashy if you didn't slow down while taking them on.

Scrobs - that's why I'm wary of puddles, they can have hidden depths.

Jannie - comments have always been a pain in one way or another. As far as I can see I can't switch off captcha.