We are on holiday at the moment so blogging may be limited. Yesterday we were up on Long Mynd where visibility was very poor so I took a nice photo of this barbed wire fence during our lunch break. Couldn't see much else.
Tuesday, 29 May 2018
We are on holiday at the moment so blogging may be limited. Yesterday we were up on Long Mynd where visibility was very poor so I took a nice photo of this barbed wire fence during our lunch break. Couldn't see much else.
Monday, 28 May 2018
The three stages of film
In my own mind, I'm
not sure that acting is something for a grown man to be doing.
Steve McQueen
To my mind this clip from the fifties TV series Adventures of Superman could have something to say about
maturity. It may be the clothes worn by the actors, their general appearance
and demeanour, their diction and perhaps memories of our parents or
grandparents, but the actors seem more mature than modern actors. They come
across as mature people required to do something juvenile by acting out a comic
Hey - we know this
kind of thing is frivolous and not what real life is all about but it’s just a
bit of fun for the kids so why not enjoy it? Let’s get their young imaginations
fly too, just like Superman.
I’m not sure how far one should take this, if anywhere, but
the same thing is easily seen in many old films dating back to the fifties or
earlier. Yet go back a little earlier, say to the days of Laurel and Hardy, and many films seem juvenile again. In which case we have three stages - juvenile, mature,
What next? Will mature come round again? I don’t think so.
Saturday, 26 May 2018
A certain style
What does Jordan Peterson have that others don’t? There are other powerful speakers but to my mind Peterson’s style is as interesting as what he says and his style is the key to his effectiveness. To begin with he is particularly careful in his use of language. He sticks to the point and does not allow others to distort what he has actually said. In addition to his respect for language -
He is obviously sincere.
He is obviously honest.
He is not afraid to pause for thought
He is not afraid to leave uncertainties as uncertain.
He focuses on what is known.
He focuses on known consequences.
One could go on, but to my mind the important point is that Peterson uses debates to explore and expound his own personal philosophy and has the honesty to make his explorations clear and unambiguous. Should one wish to emulate him it would be better to emulate his style rather than trying to learn his philosophy.
Knowledge is essential to make the style work but honesty and careful language – these are essential too. Getting this right is easier than it sounds, but in a face to face setting is not at all easy even though Peterson makes it seem simple enough. The trick is to be clear about what we know and what we don’t. The style is to insist on it as Peterson does. Those who would emulate him must first pick up the style.
Thursday, 24 May 2018
Ice on the Ob
From the Siberian Times
Far from it.
Here the thick ice is slowly drifting downstream in a northerly direction towards the Arctic yet with temperatures still of an unseasonal -5C, this could go on a while.
As our remarkable videos show, this is an awesome and eerie sight, magnetic to those lucky enough to be in the vicinity.
In Surgut, people come here before work just to glimpse the natural wonder, and listen to the gentle creaking and cracking of the shifting ice.
Then they come back again after work.
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Buggy Beemers
From the BBC we are reminded of a treat for modern car owners - the software update. First it was the computer, then the phone and now it's the car.
BMW's car computer systems have been found to contain 14 separate flaws, according to a study by a Chinese cyber-security lab.
BMW's car computer systems have been found to contain 14 separate flaws, according to a study by a Chinese cyber-security lab.
They could, in theory, let hackers take at least partial control of affected vehicles while in use.
The researchers identified ways to compromise the cars by plugging in infected USB sticks, as well via contactless means including Bluetooth and the vehicles' own 3G/4G data links.
BMW is working on fixes.
Its customers have been advised to keep an eye out for software updates and other counter-measures from the German company over the coming months.
The researchers identified ways to compromise the cars by plugging in infected USB sticks, as well via contactless means including Bluetooth and the vehicles' own 3G/4G data links.
BMW is working on fixes.
Its customers have been advised to keep an eye out for software updates and other counter-measures from the German company over the coming months.
Monday, 21 May 2018
That wedding photo
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When I saw this photo the first word to flit across my mind was 'Romanov'. Not that there is the slightest connection but the word still flitted across as they do. Flit, flit.
Yet who would wish for a British president to replace the dear old royals? Imagine the dolts and deviants who with grim inevitability would be the only choices on our precious ballot paper.
It's a strange business this democracy game. A particularly strange business when the Windsors are probably preferable to a democratically elected president. President Blair for example.
Sunday, 20 May 2018
A modest total
I don’t read much non-fiction but the other day I went
through my Kindle to see how many non-fiction books I’d read in the previous
year. Turned out to be twenty two which is only a modest total but more
respectable than I would have guessed.
Where does all the reading time come from though? It is partly a
consequence of being retired but much of it comes from not watching TV. That
was my initial impression on totting up the non-fiction books – reading is what I
do instead of TV.
TV must have wasted a vast amount of time which could have
been used more constructively. Not would have been used of course, but could
have been used. I’m sure it has done far more harm than we ever acknowledge.
Saturday, 19 May 2018
The new monarchists
A few thought prompted by today's events -
A major headache with political systems is giving a name to
them. Language wilts under a barrage of evasion, euphemism, misinformation,
malice and simple laziness. Communist, Marxist, Nazi, fascist, socialist,
liberal, neoliberal, neoconservative, conservative, libertarian, SJW –
political language does not clarify. Maybe we should work on the basis that
this lack of clarity is no accident and political language is not intended to
clarify anything. Yet a huge number of futile political arguments revolve
around the issue of names.
The naming issue is so fraught that many names are freely
used as wildly inaccurate or virtually meaningless terms of abuse. More neutral
terms such as left, right and centre don’t work either - there is only one
clear political monster and that is the centre, its elites and their hunger for
control. They are akin to a black hole sucking everything in, a hole from which
nothing ever escapes, not even light.
As we are stuck with elites and as they tend to congregate
around a figurehead why not recycle the term ‘monarchy’ for the political black
hole, that force of gravity at the centre of all stable political trends? Why not see
where it takes us? There are excellent reasons why one shouldn’t do this, but
political systems evolve so there is no reason why an ancient system such as
monarchy should not have evolved too. Why would it disappear from the political
psyche as the old hereditary version fades away or becomes sidelined as it has in the UK?
Maybe monarchy did not go anywhere; maybe it merely evolved by
shaking off some of the pomp and pageantry and by sucking the life out of
democracy. The obvious danger in going down this route is that one will be
ignored as a maverick or simply misunderstood, but for anyone who questions
mainstream trends, these are the least of their worries.
In that case we could use the term ‘monarchy’ as a kind of
flag for those centralising political trends which are clearly aimed at a
rigorous narrowing of a citizens’ responsibility and freedom to rely on a personal
morality. That was always a problem for monarchies – competing moralities. Obviously
this is no answer to the endless resources of political evasion, but if we view
modern politics through a monarchist filter then maybe a few things will become
For example, monarchy is ancient and tends to be based on a hierarchy
of narrow and more or less compulsory identities such as nation, race, party, religion and social class. These identities offer security and a sense of belonging
under the supreme head surrounded by a supreme elite and a bureaucracy to keep the
taxes coming in.
All political systems use identity for such cohesive
purposes, they always have. The identities vary and the degree of compulsion
varies and therein lies another clue to our own times – compulsory political identities.
Virtue-signalling does not only signal virtue, it signals
identity. Of the two, identity is the more important. Look at me, I have an approved identity, I am not a threat to the regime,
I am safe, I have no personal identity.
To take a problematic example - identity-signalling allows
people who are white, male, middle class, heterosexual, prosperous or Christian
to repudiate what are not favoured political identities. That is to say a
political repudiation rather than an actual repudiation. It allows such people
to adopt another, more politically secure identity and in this respect is far
more flexible than was ever allowed by traditional monarchy. This may be monarchy
evolving, shedding the religious constraints and the nationalism but keeping
the political core – the authoritarian politics of identity.
One can be conspicuously anti-racist, dress down, be
aggressively tolerant and conspicuously non-religious for example. Throw in
some recycling and we’re almost there, inherited identity expunged and fake
identity secured.
It isn’t traditional monarchy, but modern identity politics
could be seen as an evolved adaptation of older monarchist hierarchies. As if monarchy
never went away but still lurks in the collective psyche, feeding on our innate
need for a secure political identity.
Not to be taken too seriously, any of this, but as political
correctness tightens its grip, as the irrational becomes politically rational,
then political language needs to evolve if we are to describe what is happening
without the destructive curse of ambiguity. The black hole needs a name.
Thursday, 17 May 2018
If what you remember is mediocre
From 2:09
“You can’t think at all clearly or well without memory and
it matters a great deal what you remember. And if what you remember is mediocre
stuff you’re not going to be able to think very well.”
From 8:19
“One cannot be happy about the thirty five million copies of
Harry Potter... I think that’s not reading, there’s nothing there to be read.
They’re just an endless string of clichés. I cannot think that that does anyone
any good.”
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
Computer v computer
I don't have a Facebook account but within its interesting Community Standards Enforcement Preliminary Report, Facebook tells us
We estimate that fake accounts represented approximately 3% to 4% of monthly active users (MAU) on Facebook during Q1 2018 and Q4 2017. We share this number in the Facebook quarterly financial results. This estimate may vary each quarter based on spikes or dips in automated fake account creation.
These numbers are largely affected by external factors, such as cyberattacks that increase fake accounts on Facebook. Bad actors try to create fake accounts in large volumes automatically using scripts or bots, with the intent of spreading spam or conducting illicit activities such as scams. The numbers can also be affected by internal factors, including the effectiveness of our detection technology.
In Q1 2018, we disabled 583 million fake accounts, down from 694 million in Q4 2017.
We estimate that fake accounts represented approximately 3% to 4% of monthly active users (MAU) on Facebook during Q1 2018 and Q4 2017. We share this number in the Facebook quarterly financial results. This estimate may vary each quarter based on spikes or dips in automated fake account creation.
These numbers are largely affected by external factors, such as cyberattacks that increase fake accounts on Facebook. Bad actors try to create fake accounts in large volumes automatically using scripts or bots, with the intent of spreading spam or conducting illicit activities such as scams. The numbers can also be affected by internal factors, including the effectiveness of our detection technology.
In Q1 2018, we disabled 583 million fake accounts, down from 694 million in Q4 2017.
583 million fake accounts in Q1 2018 - I make that somewhere near 75 being created every second of every day. Presumably this is mostly Facebook software versus the bots. The bots create fake accounts and Facebook software blocks or zaps them, a constant battle conducted at enormous speed. Computer versus computer. Seems insanely wasteful.
Monday, 14 May 2018
On the box – the royal wedding
We’ll be taking the grandkids to their local leisure centre on Saturday. It’s what we usually do because this is when Granddaughter has her swimming lesson and we like to sip coffee and watch her energetic progress. So far so good.
However - in my innocence it had not occurred to me that there may be fewer people than usual at the leisure centre because many will be watching the royal wedding on TV. I assumed it would be a minor attraction at most but Mrs H thinks not and she tends to see into these matters more clearly than I do.
In which case parking will be noticeably easier so I’m in favour of royal weddings. We should have one every Saturday.
Saturday, 12 May 2018
Should we be more bigoted?
Bigotry gets a bad press doesn’t it? Yet how are we supposed to know if one culture or one matrix of social norms is superior to another if we don’t compare and contrast and attempt to come up with a few answers? To do so is often condemned as bigotry however rational any analysis may be. Surely we must defend what is felt to be good in our culture while being prepared to compare it with other possibilities.
For example it is fairly obvious that Islamic immigration into the UK ought to be debated in the public arena. If there are social and cultural difficulties then these should be tackled openly. Not only that, but the potential for unsatisfactory integration has been obvious for decades and that too should be on the political table.
However, a well-known problem arises in that many social trends such as this are not open for unfettered mainstream debate and to point this out is the label oneself as a bigot. Many people accused of bigotry are actually opposing bigotry. They may be bigoted in one sense, but opposing bigotry in another sense.
Oh well. Decades ago a popular put-down was to accuse someone of making a value-judgement, a weird accusation which seemed to deny an essential fact of social life. Of course this was merely a fashionable put-down made from another value-judgement, a slightly more refined way of saying ‘shut yer gob’.
It is amazing how double-sided these things so obviously are, even though supposedly intelligent people will stick rigidly and even sanctimoniously to one side only. Even though their fundamental argument stripped to its bones is little more than ‘shut yer gob yer bigot’.
For example it is fairly obvious that Islamic immigration into the UK ought to be debated in the public arena. If there are social and cultural difficulties then these should be tackled openly. Not only that, but the potential for unsatisfactory integration has been obvious for decades and that too should be on the political table.
However, a well-known problem arises in that many social trends such as this are not open for unfettered mainstream debate and to point this out is the label oneself as a bigot. Many people accused of bigotry are actually opposing bigotry. They may be bigoted in one sense, but opposing bigotry in another sense.
Oh well. Decades ago a popular put-down was to accuse someone of making a value-judgement, a weird accusation which seemed to deny an essential fact of social life. Of course this was merely a fashionable put-down made from another value-judgement, a slightly more refined way of saying ‘shut yer gob’.
It is amazing how double-sided these things so obviously are, even though supposedly intelligent people will stick rigidly and even sanctimoniously to one side only. Even though their fundamental argument stripped to its bones is little more than ‘shut yer gob yer bigot’.
Wednesday, 9 May 2018
Tuesday, 8 May 2018
Lily on fascism
From the Guardian we have Lily Allen on fascism.
And in this age, where people feel that they can’t trust the media, they don’t trust politicians… people always trust artists because they connect to them. That’s what art is. So I think that there is a role [for artists], and I think that people should be empowered by that role, and not be so scared. Because if everybody came together to fight these forces, then maybe we could stop this fascist regime we’re living under.
That would be the fascist regime which allows her to abuse it and allows voters to change governments they don't like - that fascist regime. Maybe a dictionary would dispel some of her confusion but I don't think so.
Monday, 7 May 2018
Too obtuse?
Sometimes politicians can be quite baffling. From the BBC we have the story of that cartoon Lord Adonis once thought was so - so what? Funny enough for a fairly prominent politician to share?
Labour peer Lord Adonis has apologised for tweeting a cartoon which appears to mock the new home secretary.
In the tweet, which has since been deleted, a figure purporting to be Sajid Javid is seen at his desk, with the caption: "I just want to settle in, get organised, then deport my parents!"
He responded directly to the former education minister, Lord Adonis, saying "you're better than this".
Lord Adonis then apologised to Mr Javid for the "poor taste" cartoon.
"Sajid, on reflection I think the cartoon is too personal and in poor taste. I have deleted it. I am sorry," Lord Adonis wrote.
Fair enough, Lord Adonis did the right thing once the flak came his way, but why did he not foresee the flak to begin with? "On reflection" he saw the hole he managed to dig for himself, but in these politically correct times how did he fail to see it immediately? Why did he need to reflect on it later?
A cynic might suggest he slipped a little drop of poison into the public arena, fully intending to apologise afterwards, knowing that once in the public arena it stays there. I don't think that's it at all, but there is something odd about obtuseness taken to this level. At least I hope there is.
Labour peer Lord Adonis has apologised for tweeting a cartoon which appears to mock the new home secretary.
In the tweet, which has since been deleted, a figure purporting to be Sajid Javid is seen at his desk, with the caption: "I just want to settle in, get organised, then deport my parents!"
He responded directly to the former education minister, Lord Adonis, saying "you're better than this".
Lord Adonis then apologised to Mr Javid for the "poor taste" cartoon.
"Sajid, on reflection I think the cartoon is too personal and in poor taste. I have deleted it. I am sorry," Lord Adonis wrote.
Fair enough, Lord Adonis did the right thing once the flak came his way, but why did he not foresee the flak to begin with? "On reflection" he saw the hole he managed to dig for himself, but in these politically correct times how did he fail to see it immediately? Why did he need to reflect on it later?
A cynic might suggest he slipped a little drop of poison into the public arena, fully intending to apologise afterwards, knowing that once in the public arena it stays there. I don't think that's it at all, but there is something odd about obtuseness taken to this level. At least I hope there is.
Saturday, 5 May 2018
A Volvo money pit
We couldn’t help overhearing a recent cafe conversation about an
old chap who had decided to sell his car. We couldn’t help it because the main
speaker was so loud. At least that’s our story.
Anyhow, two chaps were drinking coffee at a nearby table and they
began chatting about a mutual friend who was getting on in years.
Apparently this aged friend of theirs was about to sell his three year old
Volvo. He’d only covered about 1000 miles in those three years yet the car
originally cost him somewhere between £40k and £50k. The teller of this story was rather
vague about the price and didn’t know much about cars either.
However, the subject of their conversation had approached the Volvo dealer
where originally bought the thing and had been offered about £20k for it. This of
course was the point of the story – why had their old friend bothered with an
expensive car in the first place if he hardly used it? He could have done without a car and used taxis instead.
Hardly an uncommon type of story but people do make strange
decisions when it comes to buying cars. We’ve switched back to buying used cars
but we don’t fancy a used Volvo even if it only has 1000 miles on the clock.
Thursday, 3 May 2018
Yet another pothole story
Sky news has a story about Simon Moss, an extremely unfortunate cyclist who was badly
hurt when he hit a pothole nine inches deep in Stony Stratford. I’ve seen some big potholes in
Derbyshire roads but nine inches deep is extravagant. It is also claimed that the pothole was inspected by Milton Keynes Council three days before the crash. Council pothole inspectors are not pothole fillers presumably. At least they are likely to be up to speed on diversity issues - there is that compensation.
We spend a fair amount of time on Derbyshire roads and
potholes are a real menace, worse than cyclists. While driving along a country
lane, eyes glued to the road watching out for the next pothole, I am only able to take fleeting glances at the glories of spring.
In my limited experience some counties are worse than
others too. For example Nottinghamshire seems even worse than Derbyshire although a
compensating factor here is that Nottinghamshire scenery isn’t usually worth
looking at.
After a spell of rain, the worst potholes are those deep
ones at the side of the road which look like harmless puddles because they are
full of rainwater. I hit one of those with an almighty clunk only a few weeks
ago. It has been patched now but that’s another thing – the quality of the
patching varies enormously. Sometimes neat and smooth and sometimes it looks as
if someone dumped a bucket of asphalt in the hole and jumped on it to flatten
it down. Better than just inspecting it I suppose.
Tuesday, 1 May 2018
Curlews over Silly Dale
Peter's Stone |
Today we took advantage of the sunshine for a short walk starting
from Eyam, the plague village. A very quiet walk it was too. While eating lunch on a grassy spot
overlooking Silly Dale all we heard were the curlews overhead. Yes there really
is a Derbyshire dale called Silly Dale but sadly there isn’t one nearby called
Sensible Dale.
As we turned back towards Eyam we could see Peter’s Stone in
the distance. Local legend has it that this is where the last gibbeting in Derbyshire took place, although this link suggests there were one or two more. Old habits I suppose.
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