
Monday 21 May 2018

That wedding photo


When I saw this photo the first word to flit across my mind was 'Romanov'. Not that there is the slightest connection but the word still flitted across as they do. Flit, flit.

Yet who would wish for a British president to replace the dear old royals? Imagine the dolts and deviants who with grim inevitability would be the only choices on our precious ballot paper. 

It's a strange business this democracy game. A particularly strange business when the Windsors are probably preferable to a democratically elected president. President Blair for example.


Sam Vega said...

It actually does get worse. Try saying "President Clegg".

Scrobs. said...

It really doesn't bear thinking about, with liars like Blair, and prats like Major, jostling for position.

Awwww no, imagine Prescott, or even worse, Clarke, waddling about as if they owned the place!

I won't be around when a nasty political disaster ruins this country, but I fear it will...

Demetrius said...

Tsar Nicholas II was under the thumb of his Tsarina Alexandra/Alix of Hesse, Rhineland, whose grannie was Queen Victoria. Blair was under the thumb of a Cherie of Scouseland, say no more nudge nudge.

James Higham said...

Thank you, Demetrius. Now I can sleep tonight.

A K Haart said...

Sam and Scrobs - the list soon becomes daunting doesn't it? President Harman anyone?

Demetrius and James - yes, we never really know who we are voting for when strong personal influences are out of sight.