
Saturday 18 March 2017

Free Speech University Rankings

If you haven't already seen it, Spiked has ranked universities by their approach to free speech. Apparently many universities don't believe in it, so no surprises there.

The Free Speech University Rankings (FSUR) is the UK’s first university rankings for free speech. We survey British universities, examining the policies and actions of universities and students' unions, and rank them using our traffic-light system.


Scrobs. said...

And there was me thinking that you went to university to better yourself for getting a decent job!

Tut tut - I need some sort of political re-alignment...

wiggiatlarge said...

What the rankings don't show of course is how many actual students willingly go along with this nonsense, the Student Unions and the staff long since hi jacked by the loony left and common purpose graduates drive this agenda.
I would bet that most students ignore this as the majority are only interested in doing what they are supposed to do at university, learn, I could be wrong ?

James Higham said...

He wasn't much loved for doing that.

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - that's the general idea, but political education seems to have seeped in somewhere.

Wiggia - somewhere I saw an article which suggested that the staff were far more inclined towards the loony left than the students.

James - and maybe some universities would be inclined to ban him from speaking there.

wiggiatlarge said...

Have a look at this from circa 1.15 in, this woman ? is totally insane but wont let it go even after her supposed "trigger" has long gone, there seem to be ever more of these minority idealists shoving themselves to the front knowing the limp left will support whatever nonsense they spout.

A K Haart said...

Wiggia - not so much insane as addicted to verbal formulae. It's easier than thinking and can be taken a long way with no great intellectual effort.