
Monday 22 July 2019

High in the water

Sky has this story about a dodgy Chinese swimmer

Sky Views: Podium protest against China's 'poster boy' shames swimming's governing body

There were several contenders for standout moment of the swimming world championships in South Korea this weekend.

Not least, Adam Peaty producing possibly the finest performance by a British swimmer in history, becoming the first person to break 57 seconds for 100m breaststroke.

But it was the image of Australian Mack Horton refusing to share the podium with China's poster boy Sun Yang that will endure.

The terms "drugs cheat," "dirty," and "doper" are already being attached to Sun Yang by his rivals before he has been convicted of anything, over and above a warning relating to the latest scandal.

But that is the environment FINA has created with its disgraceful approach to doping control and toothless punishments of drugs cheats.

The piece lists the evidence against Sun which, one might think, should be enough to have him barred from competitive swimming. Apparently not.

In other news, Chinese geneticists have a new breed of drug-free swimmers in the pipeline. With huge feet, webbed hands and a breathing hole in the back of their heads these super-athletes are expected to consign the whole sorry drugs mess to sporting history.  


James Higham said...

Not a lot different to the old USSR.

Sam Vega said...

There will be endless debates about how much human DNA is required. Imagine losing to a Chinese swordfish who is less than 1% human. They all look the same to us, of course, and they're really inscrutable.

wiggiatlarge said...

"In other news,"

Not nearly as far fetched as it sounds, the coming Olympics could have podiums with trans men, never the reverse for obvious reasons, sharing with bionic humans, improved blade runners and any animal that says it is a man/woman and therefore can't be refused entry, water polo with seals, silver back gorillas in the weightlifting etc etc, still it would probably get rid of the trans nonsense.

Gene doping is almost certain to raise its ugly head/heads in the not to distant future and will be very difficult to detect.

A K Haart said...

James - yes, although it may be more scientifically advanced.

Sam - and retired swordfish will be tasty too.

Wiggia - interesting link. Maybe top level sport will evolve into a freak show.