
Wednesday 16 January 2019

The Problem with the BBC

Not the usual anti-BBC vituperation which is often great fun but leaves one with a sense that it is all water off a duck's back. 

This video is more concerned with matters such as corporation's willingness to destroy the value of its own creative assets in the pursuit of political correctness. Still water off a duck's back perhaps, but in the end even the BBC must pay some attention to its creative assets. Those assets increasingly depend on audiences composed of people who did not grow up with it.


Demetrius said...

We might well be watching BBC1 this evening. It is a football match not available on Sky. BBC Four often has things we prefer. What has happened is no a lot more choice and no longer do people sit around watching only that which was available on the 2,3 and 4 Channels of the past. As for radio again the BBC has to compete.

Scrobs. said...

It's 'All creatures great and small' for us tonight - a series made years ago when families liked to see normal people, animals and lovely scenery.

It didn't need much creativity then, just a good book to reissue in live form and decent actors, something that just doesn't happen these days, because they decide to be too PC for their own good, and get switched off pretty damn quick.

As a tax-funded organisation they aren't really fit for purpose, but you mentioned that during your first para!

A K Haart said...

Demetrius - to my mind the BBC feels like a world which is slipping away into the past.

Scrobs the PC aspect puts me off too. It's everywhere.