
Thursday, 18 October 2018

Above it all

One of several gliders seen above Great Hucklow while we were out walking near Eyam today. Gliding is one of many things I've never tried. Seems so peaceful and it was a grand day for it.


Scrobs. said...

There's a lot of passion associated with gliding.

I used to work in an office in Ringmer, near Lewes, where there's a gliding club.

Our chief QS was a keen participant, and whenever he looked out of his window while hard at work and saw the gliders aloft, he'd mutter 'bastards'...

Mrs O'Blene and I often reiterate that particular sentiment whenever we feel left out!

The Jannie said...

I did the Air Cadets gliding course in nineteen canteen. It was wonderful: over the years I've consistently failed to have enough cash to do it again!

Timbotoo said...

I also did the ATC glider course. Once a month to Burtonwood (ex USAF) airfield. “All clear above and behind, sir!” and run like the clappers holding the wing horizontal until the winch won the battle. Good times.

wiggiatlarge said...

We lived previously near Tibbenham airfield, where James Stewart flew from in the war, he contributed to the purchase of the airfield as a memorial and for its continued use by the gliding club who own it.
I took a short course with a towed glider and can honestly say even at my age it was one of those wonderful experiences I will never forget, if you have the chance to go up take it.

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - maybe I'll try that response when I next see someone driving a really nice classic car.

Jannie, Timbotoo and Wiggia - thanks, I wondered if there would be comments from people who have tried it. Sounds like one I should add to my to-do list for a big birthday celebration.