
Saturday 5 March 2022

The Destruction of Beauty


Anyone could choose similar examples and it isn't a new phenomenon, but does seem to be far more common than it was. Perhaps it isn't woke to be attractive, not unless you are a celebrity.


Woodsy42 said...

We live in an age of uglification, it reaches from the top level of government and council planning through architecture, down via design of domestic items and all the way down to levels of individual body 'adornments'. We are overdue a modern equivalent of the arts and crafts movement to hopefully reawaken society's love of harmony, natural beauty and visual pleasure rather than pander to shock and harshness.

Sam Vega said...

Yes, these young people appear to have taken a wrong turn, for sure. But in mitigation, lots of people do, and my long hair and flares from the 1970s didn't last too long. I feel desperately sorry for the ones who have surgery, of course, but the rest might well grow out of it.

And those two presenters are uniquely irritating. The talkative one seems to want to be Tony Slattery, and his side-kick appears to be genuinely slow on the uptake. If you want to criticise modern culture, you need to know what it's about.

Tammly said...

I particularly hate tattoos. I don't like them on men but they are an absolute ' no no' on women as far as I'm concerned.

A K Haart said...

Woodsy - I agree. We recently passed an extremely attractive arts and crafts house while on one of our walks. Just a fairly ordinary detached house in terms of size, but most attractive.

Sam - yes the presenters are irritating and not particularly good at what they are trying to do. I almost didn't use the video for that reason, but it's an interesting issue.

Yet I looked good with my long hair and flares, my reflection in the mirror told me so at the time.

Tammly - I don't like tattoos either. To my mind it isn't possible for them to have worthwhile social associations.

dearieme said...

I like examples of handsome design in everyday objects. For example: the original Coke bottle, the English dimpled pint mug, and the Nokia clamshell phone. What else?

My wife has a quite beautiful plain leather handbag/shoulderbag I bought her in Florence decades ago.

Common chaps, what else? I don't mean a pleasantly functional design like a Swiss Army knife, but something that really is handsome.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - I don't find many modern everyday objects handsome but there are a few such as some wine glasses and crockery or certain domestic lamps and even some commercial interiors such as one or two cafes we know.