
Saturday 25 November 2017

Boom time

A number of sources have reported the mysterious planetary boom story.

Something very strange is going on, and it seems to be happening all around our planet. Reports continue to emerge of booming sounds of mysterious origin echoing from the sky, from Colorado and Alabama to the Middle East, United Kingdom and Australia, according to News Corp Australia.

The sounds, understandably startling for those who hear them, are certainly not the voices of gods, although their source has thus far defied scientific explanation as well.

A recent example occurred in Alabama, when a thunderous noise shook houses and frightened residents on Nov. 20. Not long after, explosion-like sounds were also heard in Colorado, although officials now believe that the Colorado clamor was unrelated to the worldwide phenomenon, likely caused by oil and gas extraction.

Other booms around the world, like the one in Alabama, remain unexplained. Locals in Cairns, Australia, were shaken by a loud rumble on Oct. 10. Then two weeks later, another boom was heard over the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia. Other mysterious sounds have been heard in as far reaching places as Michigan and Yorkshire, U.K.

How exciting. I'm almost tempted to dream up a theory, but the best response I've seen was a reader's comment on the above piece.

C Peterson
Things "boom" all the time. Construction noise. Traffic. Wind gusts hitting the house. We don't pay much attention, we don't remember them. Until there's a news story somewhere that rises high enough for a lot of people to see it. Then, people are tuned in to the idea, and they do remember when they hear something odd. They make false correlations, and before you know it a story like this goes viral and lots of people are sure something unusual or mysterious is going on, when in fact, there's nothing at all.

And the news outlets themselves make news. A small local story gets picked up and lots of other sources either reprint it or essentially copy it. I've seen this same story, citing the same small number of incidents, in dozens of outlets the last few days. This makes it seem like something much larger is going on.


Sam Vega said...

Philip Hammond has been waiting for a boom for ages, but so far to no avail.

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes, they all hope to ride one they didn't initiate while devising policies to suppress them in time for the next incumbent.