
Tuesday, 5 September 2017

How delightful

A furious scaffolder has hit back at a 'spoilt rich girl' artist who posted a pictured mocking him and his colleague as they stood in McDonald's.

Hetty Douglas, 25, shared a photo on her Instagram of the two men in boots and blue jogging bottoms, with the sneering caption: 'they look like they got 1 GCSE'...

Douglas, who comes from Nottingham, studied fashion illustration at University of Arts London before working in retail for Slam City Skates in Covent Garden and Supreme in Soho.

Poor Hetty, maybe she can't help it. The Mail has published a picture of her art. Do take a look, it's hilarious. 


The Jannie said...

Aren't artists supposed to demonstrate some kind of talent?

Sam Vega said...

Apparently her dad is a builder, and she comes from a humble background. That figures: she is more likely to have anxiety about her origins, and a lively sense of subtle social gradations within the working class, than someone who is genuinely privileged.

Scrobs. said...

I think I'd rather see a well constructed scaffold set on a large building anyway.

Anonymous said...

This young lady will now find it a bit harder to illustrate fashion or even flip burgers. Before opening mouth, engage brain. Silly girl, on all sorts of levels.

Demetrius said...

Could she manage our ceilings?

Scrobs. said...

It's always a bit of Urban Gossip, that when they rang up Michaelangelo for a quote for the Sistine Chapel, the line crossed just before he said he 'didn't do ceilings'...

This girl would be a cert for crappy BBC kids' progs where nobody can speak properly, spell, sing or dance either!

A K Haart said...

Jannie - we recently saw an exhibition of Joan Miró prints signed by the guy himself and priced in the thousands of pounds each. Daubs in my view. Whatever talent was there seems to be a talent for exploitation.

Sam - you are probably right. "Look at me I left all this behind".

Scrobs - at least there is an element of craft in scaffolding.

Roger - I agree, silly and personally damaging.

Demetrius - doesn't look tall enough.

Scrobs - good point, she looks like a BBC kids' prog presenter.