
Thursday, 11 April 2013

No salt for you

thecommentator reports:-

Mexico's new hardline stance on salt has led to the removal of salt shakers from over 200,000 restaurants, pubs and cafes in the country's capital.

The government-sponsored move is apparently a part of a larger effort to raise awareness on the dangers of high sodium diets and its correlation to hypertension and other diseases prevalent in Mexican society.

I know little about Mexico, but somehow I had the impression that a sprinkle of salt wasn't anywhere near the top of their worry list.


Macheath said...

Salt, however, is not a branded product of powerful multi-national corporations:

Don Fernando said...

Hello I´m from Mexico City and I can tell you that it is not an isolated event; it is more like a road map or a blueprint of how the the government controls (at least on paper) all aspects of your day to day actions. It started a few years ago with the saving light time as if we were above the 30° parallel, after that, the UN "Agenda 21" redistrict, the smoking banishing from public places (not applicable on government offices or if the smoker is a politician or a high profile person), the use of cell phones at rush hours and a long mile list of regulations for vehicles (wish gives a chance for a money earning activity via corruption for our low-income police). Not to mention vaccines, exotic and extremely complex tax registration (that is why more than 50% of the population works and operates outside "the law").

After that was a tax on the cash deposits on your bank account (just like Cyprus but with out the bank holly day) and this time was the salt.

Understanding the differences between freedom and liberty, we became an independent nation 200 years ago, but we never had freedom as individuals or even became a citizens of a country were the law was the big equalizer.

We do not believe on self defense, we don't have right to bear or use arms, we do not apply antitrust laws (that why the richest man on earth is Mexican), the general public only understands the concept of "ONE": one political party, one brand of oil and gas, one religion, one history.

That is why "We the people" just do not care about their laws.


Fernando Martinez

A K Haart said...

Mac - thanks - interesting link.

Fernando - greetings and thanks - a most interesting comment. I'd noticed that the richest man on earth is Mexican and I wondered why.

banned said...

"Mexico's new hardline stance on salt" The twats who banned salt cellars from the dining halls of UK state schools will no doubt feel vindicated. said...

my wife is Mexican originally from Mexico City but latterly lived in Guadalajara

I've visited the country many times, not as a tourist but seeing day to day life from the pacific coast to the Yucatan and in Mexcico City and Guadalajara having driven around alot, meeting families and friends.

the ordinary people are fantastic,the cuisine too (and salt is very important to that) it is largely a huge cash based economy for most ordinary people, but like us here in Britain there are the 'few' the select political class who have a divine right sense of entitlement to ordain and control.

unlike here though Fernando you guys have a history of revolution having successfuly kicked the Spanish out then getting rid of your king! I wonder though if people start to sense the control and direction and are palced under ever icnreasing taxation whether you guys will start another revolution?

one of my favourite quotes amongst all of history's great figures is this one

"it is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees"

Emiliano my view a more interesting character than Pancho Villa who seems to have a greater kudos.

A K Haart said...

banned - unfortunately they probably will.

bingobax - welcome and thanks for another first-hand comment. Maybe a huge cash-based economy is the only way to avoid the leeches.